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Outsidepride Alyssum Violet Queen Flower Seed - 10000 Seeds

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Product Name
Outsidepride Alyssum Violet Queen Flower Seed - 10000 Seeds
Product Description

Lobularia maritima is a clumping annual that is low-growing and versatile. Commonly called Alyssum it reaches a height of 6 inches and can be used to edge the flower border grown in-between stepping stones and in rock gardens and it works well in containers with mixed annuals. The variety Violet Queen has little violet colored flowers that bloom from spring through fall. It is lightly scented. Alyssum is a fast-growing plant and it benefits from trimming it back in mid-summer to keep the flowers blooming and to prevent it from getting too leggy. Start Alyssum indoors 6 weeks before the last expected frost date. Press the seed into the soil do not cover the seed and keep it moist. With a temperature of 60 - 70F germination is usually in 21 days. Alyssum prefers full sun to partial shade and rich well-drained soil. Transplant the young plants outdoors after danger of frost has passed. Space the plants 6 inches apart. Alyssum is known to reseed for next year’s display.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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