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Santa Claus Handbells Wedding Handbells Tea Bells Christmas Tree Decoration

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Product Name
Santa Claus Handbells Wedding Handbells Tea Bells Christmas Tree Decoration
Product Description

Santa Claus Handbells Wedding Handbells Tea Bells Christmas Tree Decoration Features: The little bell is useful for teachers, parents, event organizers and restaurants whose classrooms are packed with students. You can use it to indicate the transition from one activity to another during a typical school day. It can also let students know that it's time to settle down and start the lesson. It is widely used in restaurants, hotels, stores, service bells, teacher bells, elderly call bells, lunch bells for calling your child, and is a great tool for your child to play games as a timer. Provides a clear and concise bell that quickly captures the attention of your team. When you need to signal that dinner is ready, train a pet, maintain order, use it in a game or have a person call for help, this tea bell is the answer. It attaches to a beautiful black lacquered wood handle with a polished metal finish that provides a sleek and attractive look. 1 x handbell. Product Description: Suitable for dressing up Santa handbells, when you hold the bell with a crisp sound, the kids know it's you, the bell measures about 5.12 inches long,2.95 inches wide and 2.95 inches high. 1 x handbell.

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Last updated
September 5, 2024

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