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Pumpkin Taina Dorada Organic Seeds

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Product Name
Pumpkin Taina Dorada Organic Seeds
Product Description

(Curcubita Moschata) Español-Esta calabaza desarrollada en Puerto Rico se recomienda para siembra tanto en huertos caseros pequeños como en producciones comerciales. La planta es una enredadera bien productiva ya que comienza su producción cuando la plantas es bien cortita. Las frutas pueden pesar de 2 a 10 Libras y la pulpa es gruesa anaranjada y cremosa con poca semilla. Su textura es parecido al “Butter Nut Squash” English-This pumpkin variety was developed in Puerto Rico experimental stations. Its highly recommended for smalls orchards and commercial productions. The plant is a vine that makes large productions because it starts when the plant is short. Fruits can weight about 2 to 10 pounds and its orange pulp is thick and creamy. It has a similar texture of the “Butternut Squash”.

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Last updated
February 8, 2025

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