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Form & Function: American Modernist Jewelry 1940-1970 (Hardcover)

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Form & Function: American Modernist Jewelry 1940-1970 (Hardcover)
Product Description

This book is the catalog for two of the first major exhibits to show only modernist jewelry from such a broad group of artists. Both take place in 2008 in Fort Wayne Indiana: one at The Fort Wayne Museum of Art (May 2 to August 24) and the other at The University of St. Francis School of Creative Arts (May 2 to May 30). Over fifty collectors and living art jewelers have lent some of the best examples of this innovative style. Sculptors Alexander Calder Harry Bertoia Jose de Rivera Peter and Daniel Macchiarini Earl and Tod Pardon and merry rank are among the 96 artists featured along with their extensive jewelry creations. Their work was experimental and stimulated originality in successive generations. Plastics pearls brass copper silver gold and enamels are among the materials found here in mini-sculptures and jewelry ornaments for men and women alike. The author s extensive research uncovers connections among the artists and documents this important art period and medium. Artists collectors cultural historians and students all will want to see the exhibits and own the catalog.

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December 8, 2024

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