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Many Ways Up: A Bullying and Mental Health Workbook (Paperback)

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Product Name
Many Ways Up: A Bullying and Mental Health Workbook (Paperback)
Product Description

Are you being bullied? Is one of your friends struggling mentally? Do you teach students who could benefit from a mini unit on bullying and mental health? Are you a guidance counselor who wants to open the dialogue help kids move forward productively? Many Ways Up is an accessible and inclusive workbook on bullying and mental health which accompanies the novel The Only Way Out. Together these two books are the perfect package addressing two of the biggest issues plaguing our youth and young adults today. *** ENDORSED BY EDUCATORS *** ENDORSED BY BULLYINGCANADA * A portion of all proceeds will be donated to BullyingCanada This workbook guides you step by step and shows you exactly how to make positive changes in your everyday life. It is filled with discussion questions educational components actionable tasks you can start implementing today and visual exercises to be completed right in the book! You ll learn how to: Be open to fresh perspectives Process eye-opening statistics we all need to be aware of Create new solutions and steps forward Make yourself impermeable to bullying behavior Look inward set your own priorities and gain self-confidence Be mentally healthy in your everyday life Talk openly and speak up for yourself and others

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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