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Star Wars The Clone Wars Titanium Series 2008 AT-AP Diecast Vehicle

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Product Name
Star Wars The Clone Wars Titanium Series 2008 AT-AP Diecast Vehicle
Product Description

As Republic war planners began to understand the shape the Clone Wars would take they made expanding the versatility of their ground forces a priority. The All Terrain Attack Pod rose out of just such thinking. An evolved more powerful version of the earlier AT-PT the AT-AP turned Republic heavy infantry into medium range artillery. It brought previously unheard-of versatility to the AT series of walkers and informed many later versions with its unique innovations. Deployed as part of an armored infantry squad it served remarkably well in short-range infantry support while at the same time delivering punishing barrages against distant enemy emplacements. Get ready for out-of-this-world adventure with this cool collectible! Made of die-cast metal the AT-AP vehicle replica is ideal for play or display. And with its rotating turrets and display stand its ready to make its landing right in the middle of your Star Wars collection!

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Last updated
March 1, 2025

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