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Special Sale - 10 Very Large Plump Lily of The Valley Plant Pips Bare Root Fresh from Holland - Eager to Bloom in May!

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Product Name
Special Sale - 10 Very Large Plump Lily of The Valley Plant Pips Bare Root Fresh from Holland - Eager to Bloom in May!
Product Description

PLANTING LILY OF THE VALLEY PIPS AND ROOTS Site your pips or bulbous roots where they will receive light to moderate shade with well draining soil. If dry soak your pips in lukewarm water before planting. The pips will absorb water wake up and be ready to take off. Plant your lily of the valley so the tops (points) barely poke above the soil surface about 1 1/2 apart. After planting water generously soaking the soil to settle it around the roots. Top growth will begin to form quickly usually in just a week or so depending on the amount of available warmth. Provide supplemental water as needed in the spring summer and fall; about 1 total (rain and irrigation) per week is a good general estimate. After blooming has finished for the season leave the foliage in place; don?t cut it off. The leaves will gather sunlight create food through photosynthesis and strengthen the plants for the future. Water as needed. Leaves may be removed if they yellow later in the season. Location is important as lily of the valley need a site that will receive light to moderate shade with well draining soil.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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