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Cardini's Croutons Gourmet Cut Caesar

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Product Name
Cardini's Croutons Gourmet Cut Caesar
Product Description

Croutons, Caesar, Gourmet Cut Since 1924. Creator of the caesar salad. Twice baked. Resealable - Stays fresh - Easy to open. Before Caesar Cardini, there was no caesar salad. The name Caesar Cardini has been widely famous for quality since 1924, when his creativity led him to invent the caesar salad in his popular Tijuana restaurant. The uniqueness of his original Caesar dressing recipe is reflected in today's extended line of Cardini's salad dressing flavors. The taste legend of 1924 lives on in this delicious Caesar Crouton. Twice baked for a crunch you won't forget, Caesar Croutons will be right at home on your caesar salad as well as adventure to many others. Be sure to try all other great tasting Cardini's croutons and salad dressings. Visit Us At:

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Last updated
March 6, 2025

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