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Barrier II Wound Care Spray with Pain Relief (16 oz)

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Product Name
Barrier II Wound Care Spray with Pain Relief (16 oz)
Product Description

Barrier II Would Spray is for topical use on animals as an aid in preventing infection and reducing pain. Kills up to 99% of surface germs in 15 seconds or less that can potentially cause an infection. Directions & Dosage Pour into a spray bottle dialed to spray pattern (32 fl. oz. and 1 gallon), hold sprayer about 4-6 inches from area to be treated. Spray 1 or more times - allow to dry. Repeat as needed. Forms a highly visible coating that is durable. Ingredients Povidone-Iodine (2% available iodine) - Antiseptic Lidocaine 2% withv - Pain Relief Ethyl Alcohol - less than 80% - Antiseptic Isopropyl Alcohol - less than 5% - Antiseptic

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Last updated
January 29, 2025

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