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A Chicken s Guide to Talking Turkey with Your Kids about Sex (Paperback)

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A Chicken s Guide to Talking Turkey with Your Kids about Sex (Paperback)
Product Description

Parents Often Imagine Their Kids to be Nonsexual Until Their Wedding Night The truth of the matter is that we re sexual from day one. What are you going to communicate to your kids about this knowing that they are sexual creatures today? Your kids need you to talk with them about sex. No one else will do. They ve been discovering their sexuality since the day they were born but they need you to help them deal with the changes and challenges of puberty. Those conversations that are so vital for your children s health and happiness don t have to be difficult if you re prepared. A Chicken s Guide to Talking Turkey with Your Kids about Sex helps you build a strong trust-filled relationship with your son or daughter to prepare you for the intimate talks you need to have when the changes hit. And because every child grows in a unique way this book tells you what to teach but lets you determine when. Inside this book are the tools you need to help your kids not only understand their growing bodies but also cope with the temptations and social pressures that go with them. Practical expert and down-to-earth A Chicken s Guide is a powerful resource not only for moms and dads but also for pastors counselors and anyone with a heart for kids.

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Last updated
December 2, 2024

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