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Reese's Peanut Butter Baking Chips, Bag 10 oz

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Product Name
Reese's Peanut Butter Baking Chips, Bag 10 oz
Product Description

Create special treats and desserts with REESE'S peanut butter baking chips — small but mighty morsels packed full of delicious creamy peanut butter flavor. Mix REESE'S baking chips into your morning pancake batter to sweeten things up, sprinkle them on top of your brownies for a melty delight or add them to your cookie mixture for a chunky surprise. You can even add them to your ice cream sundae buffet. Your children, friends, family and co-workers will love to try your delightful creations. When you buy a pack of REESE'S baking chips, you can get your creative juices flowing without running out. Skip the baking and simply savor these yummy morsels by the handful!

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Last updated
February 23, 2025

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