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Tetra Algae Control Aquarium Water Treatment Controls Algae in Aquariums 1.69 oz.

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Product Name
Tetra Algae Control Aquarium Water Treatment Controls Algae in Aquariums 1.69 oz.
Product Description

Tetra® Algae Control™ formula controls unsightly algae in your aquarium. This liquid formula is highly effective against algal blooms that cause green water and algae that grow on glass and décor such as blue-green algae (Oscillatoria) diatoms - “brown algae” (Synedra) hair algae (Spirogyra) and blanket weed (Oedogonium). Tetra® Algae Control™ treatment is safe to use with ornamental freshwater fish and plants. See product label for complete directions and warnings. Before applying Tetra® Algae Control™ treatment first remove as much algae as possible by cleaning the glass and décor. This allows the product to be most effective at reducing the remaining algae and inhibiting new algae growth. Use 1 mL for every 12 gallons of aquarium water. Remove activated carbon filters for 6 to 8 hours after dosing. Be prepared to clean out additional algae as it is killed to prevent deterioration of water quality. See product label for complete directions and warnings. Tetra® aquarium products are dedicated to helping seasoned hobbyists and beginners alike enjoy a successful life-long aquatic experience. Tetra® products build fish- reptile-and pond-keeping confidence one innovation at a time. Our complete line of Tetra® nutrition water care filtration and aquarium products are designed to meet the needs of all hobbyists and the fish they love.

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Last updated
March 11, 2025

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