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Mini Pocket Bike Kids Adult Gas Motorcycle 40cc 4-Stroke Motor Engine

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Mini Pocket Bike Kids Adult Gas Motorcycle 40cc 4-Stroke Motor Engine
Product Description

Mini Pocket Bike Kids Adult Gas Motorcycle 40cc 4-Stroke Motor Engine This gas pocket bike is ideal for providing kids and teenagers 13 years and older with driveway and parking lot commuting entertainment. For easy balance and support the gas pocket bike has 11-inch large pneumatic tires. For added stability the mini pocket bike motorcycle is built with a tube steel frame. Despite their small size adults as tall as 6 feet can ride them; simply watch some pocket bike YouTube videos to see them in action. Mini Pocket Bike Kids Adult Gas Motorcycle 40cc 4-Stroke Motor Engine Features: The Gas Pocket Bike with its pull-start 4-stroke engine is designed to give kids the thrill and performance of a real motorcycle. Give your smartphones and tablets a break! Bring your children on an outdoor adventure to create memories that an indoor environment cannot provide. The 4-stroke engine is very fuel efficient and environmentally friendly with a long engine life that can provide your kids with hours of fun and entertainment. 40CC Gas Pocket Bike is made of steel frames that have high tensile strength and cannot be easily damaged if used properly. Pocket Bike is registered by the Environmental Protection Agency which means it does not have unreasonable adverse effects on your health or the environment when used according to label instructions. Specifications: Motor: 40cc 4-Stroke EPA Approved Frame: Steel Engine Start: Pull Start Gas Tank: 1.2 liters Cruising Range: 26 miles per tank Fuel/Oil: >#90 Transmission: Chain Drive Recommended Age: 13+ Tires: 90/65-6.5 Pneumatic (F) 110/50-6.5(R) Brakes: 1 disc front 1 disc rear Throttle: Variable twist-grip Seat: Padded (single rider) Handlebars: Angle Adjustable Not Height Max Rider Weight:165 lbs Pocket Bike Size: 39.4 (L) x 17.7 (W) x 21.7 (H) Assembly Required: Yes Package Content: Pocket Bike Manual Product Details Color Black Height Length

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Last updated
October 9, 2024

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