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Finish Strong : Tackling Life Head On (Paperback)

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Product Name
Finish Strong : Tackling Life Head On (Paperback)
Product Description

Finish Strong illustrates biblical principles in terms that sports fans can relate to--terms like blitz blocking rivalry and game plan. It delves deeply into the scriptures sharing insights for godly living while using compelling examples from the world of football as a springboard. I have constantly searched for tools to help athletes grow. This book has provided everyone in the sports world another effective tool for ministry. Every coach and athlete that reads these pages will be strengthened in their walk with Christ. Mike Whitson - Oklahoma Sooners Chaplain Eric is masterful at using something that we know a lot about... football and applying it to what we need to know more about... God s Truth. Jon Norris - Coach Dallas Desperados

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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