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igourmet Grand Assortment of Meat and Cheese Favorites - Gouda Cheddar Chevre and Fromager Cheeses Ham Prosciutto and 4 Types Of Incredible Salami 4 Types Of Crackers and Stuffed Greek Olives

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igourmet Grand Assortment of Meat and Cheese Favorites - Gouda Cheddar Chevre and Fromager Cheeses Ham Prosciutto and 4 Types Of Incredible Salami 4 Types Of Crackers and Stuffed Greek Olives
Product Description

Appropriately named this grand assortment of cheeses meats and accompaniments will surely satisfy any food lover s cravings. It offers a glorious 5 pounds of authentic international flavors including: The Cheese Fromager d’Affinois: A rich buttery double creme French cheese. Perfect for dolloping and smearing. (7.5 oz) Artikaas Gouda - Lot 18: This complex 18 month old Gouda has notes of toasted walnuts and a brown-butter finish to equal perfection.(7.5 oz) English Cheddar with Caramelized Onions: Cheddar and onions collaborate to create the perfect savory combination. (7.5 oz) Classic Chevre: Vermont Chèvre has earned an honored place among chefs and consumers alike. Distinguished by a simple mild fresh goat s milk flavor the cheese is highly versatile. The Meat Sliced Serrano Ham: The crowning glory of any Spanish tapas. Melt in your mouth porcine goodness. (3 oz). Sliced Prosciutto: Succulent fruity mildly salty Italian Prosciutto pre-sliced and paper thin. (3 oz) Sweet Sopressata by Citterio: This traditional sweet sopressata has subtle seasoning: black pepper a touch of salt and fresh garlic. Thoroughly authentic of the classic hand-cut hand crafted varieties it is a must try! Brooklyn Cured Salami: Brooklyn Cured makes small-batch charcuterie using sustainable meat and fine-dining technique with a bit of Brooklyn swagger thrown in for good measure. (5 oz) Zoe’s Meats Salami: Fabulous flavor combinations are the signature of Zoe’s unique salami. (8 oz) Salami by Creminelli: Artisan authentic Italian-style salami supervised by master salumiere Cristiano Creminelli. Cristiano insists on using choice cuts of meat from select breeds fed with organic white grains and raised on small family farms. (5.5 oz) The Accompaniments Carr s Water Crackers: Crisp neutral English crackers for cheese. (2.2 oz) French Waffle Crackers: A textured cracker perfect for propping up your favorite meats and cheeses. (1.8 oz) 34 Degrees Crisps: These Australian-style water crackers are a great palette cleanser. (4 oz) Mini Toast Crackers: Little French toasts with a wonderful crunch. (2.75 oz) Stuffed Greek Olives: Large plump Halkidiki olives from Greece complement this grand assortment. Enjoy with all of the above and/or create the perfect martini. (7.8 oz)

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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