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Au Natural Organics Bergamot Oil - Soothing Massage Oil, Repels Insects 30 ml

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Product Name
Au Natural Organics Bergamot Oil - Soothing Massage Oil, Repels Insects 30 ml
Product Description

Bergamot is well-known for its uplifting effect on your mood. Use it in an aromatherapy diffuser to create an uplifting ambience into the air or breathe the scent straight out of the bottle. Add Bergamot essential oil to your hot bathwater to uplifting your mood. Bergamot has such a wonderful, fragrant sweet citrus aroma, it's added to Earl Grey tea. A little under your arms makes you smell better than any commercial, industrial deodorant. Can also be used to eliminate less than fragrant odors, such as dogs and diaper. FEATURES: Sweet citrus aroma, which is added to Earl Grey tea. Repels insects such as mosquitoes. Apply on stings and bites. Added to a carrier oil, makes a soothing, deep-reaching massage oil. Relieves weather or seasonally related moodiness. Smile away the rainy day blues. Add to bath or infuse into the air to relax, reduce stress and chill out. Puts you in a good mood.

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Last updated
October 10, 2024

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