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Pre-Owned Peterson s ACT Prep Guide (Paperback) 0768940788 9780768940787

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Product Name
Pre-Owned Peterson s ACT Prep Guide (Paperback) 0768940788 9780768940787
Product Description

Peterson s ACT_ Prep Guide offers all of the information students need to prepare well and score high on 2016 s ACT including thorough subject matter reviews and practice questions for each question type. Students will benefit from expert advice strategies and test-taking tips for comprehensive preparation. All new for 2016 the strategy content and practice tests reflect all the latest changes to the ACT. Inside this new book students will find: ACT_ test-taking strategies plus other important details about the ACT_--learn how and when to register for the ACT how the test is scored what you need to know on test day and how to stay calm throughout the process. 6 practice tests-4 in print and 2 online-all with detailed answer explanations. A companion mobile app that offers short interactive exercises making studying fun anywhere and allowing students to take their prep with them on the go. Thorough review of all test sections: English Science Reading Comprehension Mathematics and Writing featuring expert strategies numerous practice questions with detailed answer explanations and sample essays. Helpful study plans perfect for the student who has a lot of time to prepare as well as those who ve procrastinated-each student can find his or her pathway to success.

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