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Letters from Juvenile Hall : Kids Helping Kids (Paperback)

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Product Name
Letters from Juvenile Hall : Kids Helping Kids (Paperback)
Product Description

WHY DO KIDS TURN BAD? What makes a child a killer? In 2002 there were over two million juvenile arrests and over 100 000 kids under the age of 18 locked up in America. Some things are steadily getting worse. Boys drug abuse violations rose 135% and curfew and loitering rose 70%. For girls drug abuse violations rose 220% liquor law violations 37% and curfew and loitering 111%. (Juvenile Justice Statistics) Were these kids born bad? Are their crimes a result of circumstances beyond their control? Are they the product of abuse or neglect? Are their parents responsible? Is society responsible? How do we stop Juvenile Crime? How do we save our kids? Who knows the answer? THE KIDS KNOW! They have the answers! They can tell us why they did what they did and who is responsible! If we read their letters carefully we can see the circumstances which influenced them to become kids who commit crime. Their letters give us insight into their lives and can be an inspiration to parents who want to know how to help their kids. Their letters can help us as a society. To make the needed changes to save our younger generation we all need to know what goes on in the minds of our juveniles. This book is made up of letters from kids who are locked up. It also includes lessons taught to the kids by Eva Fry to help save them and open their eyes to their potential. The letters will shock you and make you sad but they will also touch your heart and give you insight into the minds of how our troubled kids think. If you are a young person they will show you the true consequences of wrong choices. The tragic results of these young peoples choices should inspire you to make better choices. If you are a parent you will see how your actions affect your children. These letters prove kids need a good example to follow. A double standard does no

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Last updated
December 13, 2024

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