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Merkur-Razor Safety Razor 37c Chrome with Slant Bar

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Product Name
Merkur-Razor Safety Razor 37c Chrome with Slant Bar
Product Description

The Merkur 37C also known as the Slant provides a scything motion for the blade-upon-skin action via its unique slanted guard bar. With blade movement with one edge leading the way down the face the cutting energy is focused to less blade real estate. Whether your face will like it will depend upon many factors but for those with harsh beards over sensitive skin the Slant is often the best solution in the DE world. The 37C weighs 2.7 ounces (76 grams) and has the same handle diameter and length (and 3.2 overall length) as its sibling the Merkur 34C Heavy Duty (Merkur s most popular model). Made in Solingen Germany.

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Last updated
March 2, 2025

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