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International Advances in Solid State Electronics and Technology: Compact Hierarchical Bipolar Transistor Modeling with Hicum (Hardcover)

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International Advances in Solid State Electronics and Technology: Compact Hierarchical Bipolar Transistor Modeling with Hicum (Hardcover)
Product Description

Compact Hierarchical Bipolar Transistor Modeling with HiCUM will be of great practical benefit to professionals from the process development modeling and circuit design community who are interested in the application of bipolar transistors which include the SiGe: C HBTs fabricated with existing cutting-edge process technology. The book begins with an overview on the different device designs of modern bipolar transistors along with their relevant operating conditions; while the subsequent chapter on transistor theory is subdivided into a review of mostly classical theories brought into context with modern technology and a chapter on advanced theory that is required for understanding modern device designs. This book aims to provide a solid basis for the understanding of modern compact models

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March 5, 2025

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