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The Rightful Wrongdoer (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Rightful Wrongdoer (Paperback)
Product Description

The Rightful Wrongdoer takes readers back to the 1950 s in America a time when who you loved and how you loved was harshly judged and scrutinized. Living in this world Tessa finds herself immensely attracted to a female coworker. Now she must summon up the courage to explore a lesbian relationship that she knows is dangerous and one that she believes her father will find shockingly wrong. The Rightful Wrongdoer takes readers back to the 1950 s in America a time when who you loved and how you loved was harshly judged and scrutinized. Living in this world Tessa finds herself immensely attracted to a female coworker. Now she must summon up the courage to explore a lesbian relationship that she knows is dangerous and one that she believes her father will find shockingly wrong. Not only is Tessa struggling with accepting her identity she is also having to face her new reality after her mother s death. Throughout this captivating story Tessa must fight her sadness over the loss of her mother and come to terms with her romantic urges that are taboo in this era. Tessa lives with her father who is also mourning the death of his wife. As he tries to piece together his own life battling alcoholism and work pressure he gets entangled in his own affair with a young local florist. As the story progresses Tessa and her father ultimately recognize that these shared human qualities bond them closer together.

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Last updated
November 29, 2024

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