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Italian/Phoenix Oyster Mushroom Grain Spawn (1 pound)

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Product Name
Italian/Phoenix Oyster Mushroom Grain Spawn (1 pound)
Product Description

 Phoenix Oyster Spawn Our grain spawn is grown on 100% certified organic rye berries. It arrives contaminate free, fully developed, and ready to use. Grain spawn is used to inoculate many bags of bulk substrate quickly, and is the choice methodology for medium and large scale growers. Simply break up the grain spawn well, then transfer some grains to each bag you want to inoculate.  Phoenix/Italian Oyster Mushroom Italian or Phoenix Oyster is the most cultivated Pleurotus mushroom species in Europe and North America. The most popular varieties for cultivation are the warm weather varieties. Widespread in temperate and subtropical forests throughout the world. In the eastern United States, this species is generally found on hardwoods while in the west it is commonly found on conifers. One of the most versatile species to grow, and will do well on many substrates including straw, wood chips, sawdust, cardboard, coffee grounds, and any other cellulose-based substrate. Environment Information Names: Italian Oyster, Indian Oyster, Phoenix Oyster, Lung Oyster Substrates: Supplemented Sawdust, Straw Incubation Temp: 75-90° F Incubation Humidity: 80%-85% Incubation Time: 14 Days Fruiting Temp: 65-75° F Fruiting Humidity: 90%-93% Fruiting Time: 13 Days

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Last updated
September 15, 2024

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