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JVCC Mini-Spike-Pack Mini Spike Tape Multi-Pack: 1/2 in x 6 ft. / Assorted (Black Burgundy Dark Blue Dark Green Electric Blue Olive Drab Purple Tan Teal) *9 rolls [9 rolls/pack]

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Product Name
JVCC Mini-Spike-Pack Mini Spike Tape Multi-Pack: 1/2 in x 6 ft. / Assorted (Black Burgundy Dark Blue Dark Green Electric Blue Olive Drab Purple Tan Teal) *9 rolls [9 rolls/pack]
Product Description

JVCC Mini-Spike-Pack Mini Spike Tape Multi-Pack comes with 9 different color 1/2 inch x 2 yard (6 feet) rolls of spike tape. The rolls are on a 1-inch core which makes them easier to carry and transport. The current colors being shipped in the regular pack are fluorescent green fluorescent orange fluorescent pink fluorescent yellow brown grey red white and yellow. The colors that ship in the premium pack are black burgundy dark blue dark green electric blue olive drab purple tan and teal. Most of the colors in the premium pack have to be custom rewound (our converter doesn t get them in jumbo log roll format) and that custom rewinding is what accounts for the higher pack price. Made in the U.S. Technical Information - Core: 1 inch diameter - Backing/Carrier: vinyl coated cloth - Adhesive: rubber - Thickness: 11.5 mils (carrier adhesive) - Adhesion: 50 ounces per inch (to stainless steel test panel) - Tensile Strength: 42 pounds per inch (longitudinal)

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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