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Estimation Organic Compounds (Paperback)

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Product Name
Estimation Organic Compounds (Paperback)
Product Description

When this book was first published in 1953 certain methods for the estimation of the functional groups in organic compounds were widely known and used but many other simple methods remained unnoticed and used though they give better results. A review of the literature to the end of 1951 is made here and all the important ways of analysis are described with full details. Abstracts and references to other methods are given and many special estimations are described in outline. The following compounds and groupings are included: olefines alcohols enols phenols mercaptans aldehides and ketones acetyl benzoyl methoxyl ethoxyl propoxyl butoxyl methylimino ethylimino methyl and ethyl groups attached to sulphur the methyl group attached to carbon amines and amino compounds nitro nitroso cyano and isocyanates and isothiocyanates. Several alternative experiments are described for each so that it should always be possible to select a method suitable for a particular group in a particular compound. Dr Wild s book should stimulate interest in this branch of organic chemistry. It will serve as a useful laboratory manual at all stages but more especially during research.

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September 25, 2024

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