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Sharp Calculators EL-1801V Ink Printing Calculator Fluorescent Display AC 2.0 LPS Off-White

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Product Name
Sharp Calculators EL-1801V Ink Printing Calculator Fluorescent Display AC 2.0 LPS Off-White
Product Description

Balance the books every month with help from this Sharp EL-1801V printing calculator which features cost sell and margin keys that are ideal for business applications.Create a record of your calculations with this Sharp printing calculator. The red and black printer ribbon lets you clearly denote positive and negative figures while the raised spool makes it easy to review numbers as you work. The large responsive buttons are color-coded for easy identification of numbers functions and specialty options. Use the various decimal settings to select the right option for your accounting tasks and choose between grand total and rate setting mode for customized printouts. With a traditional numeric keypad setup this Sharp printing calculator allows for fast data entry. Printing calculator offers 12-digit blue fluorescent display for convenient viewing. Prints up to 2.0 lines per second in two colors on standard size paper roll. Dimensions: 2.5 H x 7.6 W x 10.1 D. Powered by any standard AC outlet eliminating the need for expensive batteries. 4-key memory keeps often-used figures accessible for speedier calculations. Tax calculation cost sell margin mark-up and item counter functions make financial calculations streamlined. Decimal switch rounding switch average percent constant calculation double zero grand total and shift functions to solve many additional mathematical problems. Package content: AC adapter paper roll 1 x CR2032 battery. Prints positive numbers in black and negative numbers in red eliminating misreads. Angled display is easy on the eyes. 6-month manufacturer limited warranty.One-Touch CalculationsRound off numbers with decimals add or subtract tax and find averages of many amounts with the function buttons offered on the Sharp EL-1801V Calculator. Use the grand total key to bring together multiple figures in a complex math equation or track profitability with the cost/sell/margins function. Easy to Use Time and AgainThe...

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Last updated
March 6, 2025

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