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Personalized Family Jewelry?Tree of Life Ring in Sterling Silver with Simulated Birthstone

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Product Name
Personalized Family Jewelry?Tree of Life Ring in Sterling Silver with Simulated Birthstone
Product Description

Represent your family tree with the Keepsake Tree of Life Ring. The exquisitely designed item can be customized with two flowers dazzling with a simulated birthstone made of authentic or artificial gemstones. Crafted with a 10K gold heart that can bear your single initial this simulated birthstone ring is a symbol of your family pride. This item is attractive. This ring in sterling silver comes with an attractive 10k gold heart that really stands out against the cool background color. Available in a range of sizes this product can be worn comfortably by most people. This simulated birthstone and initial personalized ring is a keepsake that you will have for years and something that shows your pride. The intricate design of this item gives it an interesting look that will help it stand out even more.

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Last updated
December 9, 2024

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