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Consumer behaviour in an online shopping environment (Paperback)

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Consumer behaviour in an online shopping environment (Paperback)
Product Description

The overall goal of this book is focused on the analysis of the impact of online store design on consumer specifically affective cognitive and behavioural responses within a virtual environment. Based on these theoretical foundations through the creation of a web tool as a methodological basis for the development of the empirical analysis of this research an experimental study between subjects 2x2x2 was developed in order to discuss the impact of three web elements of online environment (navigational structure music and animations of products) on consumer internal states (cognitive affective and satis-faction) and behavioural responses (approach responses web-duration visit products and money-bought). In addition we examined the mediator effect of three covariables (involvement atmospheric res-ponsiveness and perceived risk) between analyzed webmospheric tools and consumer responses. As overall results positive and significant differences between the groups object of experimentation were ob-tained with regard to the effects of independent variables mentioned on dependent variables of the model.

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December 13, 2024

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