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Unfiltered Acoustic Tracks

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Product Name
Unfiltered Acoustic Tracks
Product Description

RtV goes acoustic... a lot of these 7 songs were originally written on a acoustic guitar on our lap so it felt only natural to us to go back to basics and record these tracks with acoustics only. For the occasion we rented a remote house in the Belgium hills and only went out to get fresh beverage and food (the long shaped Belgium bread tasts awsome as well as the Belgium beers btw)... we recorded mostly at night with candles all over the place. And used a simple 8 track Tascam tape for the analog vibes... capturing some intense moments like a gloomy version of our bluesy track Don t Wanna Lose You with 2 classical guitars and 3 harmony singing in an extended version of our radiotune Here I Am. Some minor achievements... * Red to Violet won the Alt Song Award for JPFolks (US) * the Here I Am VIDEO won Viewers Choice Award on Music Search broadcast on CN8 TV - the largest cable tv network in the US reaching 4 million in 4 states * airplay on 400+ college radios all over the US.

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Last updated
January 3, 2025

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