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The Ninth Gate (Blu-ray)

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Product Name
The Ninth Gate (Blu-ray)
Product Description

Corso (Depp) is a rather dubious rare book finder whose services are engaged by the owner of one of Europe s largest collection of demonic texts. The prize of his collection is a 16th century tome entitled The Nine Gates a book containing nine etchings that supposedly hold the key to summoning Satan himself. Dean Corso (Johnny Depp) is highly skilled at his work a position which requires dexterity cultural expertise nerves of steeland few scruples. Known for locating rare books for wealthy collectors Corso is hired by eminent book-lover and scholar of demonology Boris Balkan (Frak Langella). Corso s mission: to find the last two volumes of the legendary manual of satanic invocation The Nine Gates of the Shadow Kingdom compare them with Balkan s first volume supposedly the only one of its kind and ascertain the authenticity of the series.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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