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Nestle Nutren 2.0 Tube Feeding Formula Unflavored 250 mL Carton 24 Ct

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Product Name
Nestle Nutren 2.0 Tube Feeding Formula Unflavored 250 mL Carton 24 Ct
Product Description

Nestle Nutren 2.0 Tube Feeding Formula Unflavored 250 mL Carton 24 Ct Meet your nutrition requirements with the Nutren 2.0 formula. It is calorically dense which is suitable for individuals with high energy requirements. It also contains all the required values of carbohydrates proteins and vitamins and is a good source of nutrition especially for individuals with a restricted fluid volume. The Nutren 2.0 tube-feeding formula s protein source consists of casein and soy to improve lean body mass. Canola oil is a key fat source that contains omega-3 fatty acid and unsaturated fat so it minimizes the risk of elevated cholesterol levels in the blood. Nestle s Nutren 2.0 is suitable for low-residue gluten-free and kosher diets. Medical supervision is necessary when using this formula. 24 per Case Adult

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Last updated
December 12, 2024

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