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Pre-Owned The Scarlet Letter (No Fear) (Large print) (Paperback)

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Product Name
Pre-Owned The Scarlet Letter (No Fear) (Large print) (Paperback)
Product Description

Pre-Owned - Have you ever tried to read The Scarlet Letter but realized midway through the second sentence that you were already lost? No Fear: The Scarlet Letter will change all that. No need to worry about losing the thread anymore: whenever Hawthorne s sentences become too convoluted to follow or you can t figure out exactly what he s talking about simply look across at the right-hand page and a simplified modernized text--using the kind of English we actually speak today--will set you back on track. Soon you ll be reading Hawthorne s own words fearlessly--and actually enjoying it. - Part of a very successful series - The Scarlet Letter is a required book in many high school and university English classes and this will help students understand Hawthorne s classic novel

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Last updated
October 13, 2024

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