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igourmet Spanish Fiesta Classic Gift Box - Includes a gourmet cheese assortment ham Spanish Chorizo Spanish olives and gourmet chocolates

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igourmet Spanish Fiesta Classic Gift Box - Includes a gourmet cheese assortment ham Spanish Chorizo Spanish olives and gourmet chocolates
Product Description

Spanish Fiesta Classic Gift Box (3 pound) igourmet has created a gift of some of the culinary delights of Spain. A great gift for the Spanish food lover in your life! Mahon: Spain s 2nd most popular cheese. Made on the island of Menorca this cow s milk cheese is cave aged for at least 60 days. (7.5 oz) Manchego: This is a sweet nutty sheep s milk cheese made in La Mancha. (7.5 oz) Drunken Goat: This is a pure goat s milk cheese from the stunning region of Murcia. this cheese is washed in local red wine. (7.5 oz) Serrano Ham: Authentic Serrano made using only fresh ham of the white pig. Salted cured and aged 9 months. (3.5 oz) Spanish Olives by Losada: This elegantly designed line of olives is cured the traditional and natural way with water and salt. The olives are hand harvested and processed in small batches in barrels to ensure the highest quality product. (6.9 oz) Chorizo by Palacios: Wonderful authentic Spanish Chorizo perfect for tapas or paella. Its meat and natural ingredients are carefully selected creating a smoky earthy sweet and tangy sausage. (7.9 oz) Caramelized Walnuts from Spain by Mitica: Fresh and crunchy these Spanish walnuts (Nueces Acarameladas) are prepared simply with fresh halved walnuts sugar and sunflower oil. (3.5 oz) Artisan Spanish Chocolate Bar: This premium quality chocolate bar makes a popular gourmet addition to any gift basket. (3.5 oz) Please note that any item temporarily out of stock will be substituted with a similar item of equal value.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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