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Tetra Tetrafauna 20-Gallon Deluxe Aquatic Glass Turtle Tank Starter Kit

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Product Name
Tetra Tetrafauna 20-Gallon Deluxe Aquatic Glass Turtle Tank Starter Kit
Product Description

Tetra Aquatic Turtle Deluxe Kit 20-gallon terrarium environment with filter and heating lamps incorporates a basking platform for your pet’s pleasure. Make this great tank a feature piece in your home. Along with a 20-gallon glass aquarium your kit includes all of these essentials: Tetra fauna Decorative Repto Filter with three cartridges two 5.5-inch dome lamps with bulbs Tetra fauna Turtle Terrace Basking Platform a boxwood plant mat a screen top with locking clips and Tetra product samples. Place your reptile kit in a location close to an electrical outlet to allow the use of lights and filters. The kit should not be placed near heating or air conditioning ducts or in direct sunlight as this can cause the temperature inside the habitat to fluctuate and direct sunlight can cause algae growth. Let your reptile bask in the light as your terrarium becomes the focal point of any room

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Last updated
December 3, 2024

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