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Cyril Pahinui - Ka Ho oilina Mau - Music & Performance - CD

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Product Name
Cyril Pahinui - Ka Ho oilina Mau - Music & Performance - CD
Product Description

Ka Hoçoilina Mau (The Legacy Continues) is Cyril Pahinui s loving tribute of to his father kï höçalu (slack key guitar) master Gabby Pahinui affectionately known as Pops . in a collection of classic Hawaiian songs dedicated to the senior Pahinui the younger artist is poised to carry on the Pahinui tradition. It s crafted as a personal tribute many of the songs being favorites of the elder Pahinui including Ka Moaçe Puçuananhulu Kuçu Pua Lei Mokihana and Hula O Makee . Gabby recorded these songs over his lifetime on many albums including the ground-breaking Gabby Band albums of the 70s. Other songs are tributes to special friends of Gabby like Makee Ailana for Uncle Sonny Chillingworth. Still others including Kaulana Kawaihae and Kuçu Lei Momi (My Love at Kaçena) are songs Cyril recalls from his many associations with other groups.

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Last updated
December 12, 2024

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