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Language Library: Political Correctness: A History of Semantics and Culture (Hardcover)

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Language Library: Political Correctness: A History of Semantics and Culture (Hardcover)
Product Description

Political Correctness Geoffrey Hughes has brought together with great panache the very many manifestations of political correctness both absurd and vicious and shown how they express a single collective mind-set. His book establishes beyond doubt that there is such a phenomenon that it has become dominant in our culture and that it represents a growing tendency to censor public debate and to prevent people from questioning orthodoxies which we all know to be false. Roger Scruton American Enterprise Institute What a joy this book is! Hughes study traces with unflagging zest the modern history of PC. Sumptuous in data in judgment precise this is the latest and fullest of Hughes series on the social history of language. Walter Nash Professor Emeritus University of Nottingham Political Correctness is now an everyday phrase and part of the modern mindset. Everyone thinks they know what it means but its own meaning constantly shifts. Its surprising origins have led to it becoming integrated into contemporary culture in ways that are both idealistic and ridiculous. Originally grounded in respect for difference and sensitivity to suffering it has often become a distraction and even a silencer of genuine issues provoking satire and parody. In this carefully researched thought-provoking book Geoffrey Hughes examines the trajectory of political correctness and its impact on public life. Exploring the origins progress content and style of PC Hughes journey leads us through authors as diverse as Chaucer Shakespeare and Swift; Philip Larkin David Mamet and J.M. Coetzee; from nursery rhymes to Spike Lee films. Focusing on the historical semantic and cultural aspects of political correctness this outstanding and unique work will intrigue anyone interested in this ongoing debate.

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December 13, 2024

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