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HATCHBOX ABS 1.75 mm 3D Printer Filament in Mint Green 1kg Spool

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Product Name
HATCHBOX ABS 1.75 mm 3D Printer Filament in Mint Green 1kg Spool
Product Description

1 KG (approximately 2.20 lbs) Spool 1.75mm Filament Diameter (Dimensional Accuracy +/- 0.03mm) ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) 3D Printer Filament Vacuumed Sealed With Desiccant Recommended Extrusion/Nozzle Temperature 210°C - 240°C (410°F - 464°F) Use With Heated Build Platform Is Recommended Spool Diameter: 7.88 - Spool Width: 2.69 - Spool Hub Hole Diameter: 2.20 Welcome to HATCHBOX 3D Products Our engineered filament is here to help you stream your creative outlet enabling you to see your thoughts and concepts engineered into a real and rewarding reality. The filaments are universally designed and compatible with 3D Printers using 1.75mm diameter filament with a dimensional accuracy of +/- 0.03mm. ABS or Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene is a tough and durable thermoplastic. It s ability to with stand higher temperatures ABS is one of the most popular and commonly chosen material on the market. ABS can be used for full functional models and is the closest material to real production models. The 3D printed object will have a glossy type finish with ABS. Why we love it: Prints at higher temperature Tough and durable Requires less manual finishing Process in acetone for polished finish.

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Last updated
March 10, 2025

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