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Simply Snackin Beef Protein Snack - Signature Beef BOLD Original Size: 24-Pack

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Product Name
Simply Snackin Beef Protein Snack - Signature Beef BOLD Original Size: 24-Pack
Product Description

Lean natural grass fed beef is combined with the finest fruits and spices then leisurely roasted and lightly smoked to produce an entirely different kind of high protein treat unlike jerky or other meat snacks. Simply Snackin - Signature Beef BOLD Original comes from cattle that are humanely treated pasture raised sustainably raised. No hormones added no antibiotics. Simply the BEST in protein snackin! * Grass Fed/Grass Finished Beef * Beef raised without the uses of antibiotics - no hormones added * Gluten Free * 10 G Protein 1G Sugar * No artificial flavors or colors * Paleo Snacks * Simply Delicious * The Perfect Afternoon Snack Shelf Life: 4 Months Ingredients: Grass Fed Beef Sea Salt Coconut Sugar Contains 1% or less of organic black pepper Celery Powder Cherry Juice Powder (Contains organic cane sugar) Organic Garlic Powder Organic Cayenne Lactic Acid Starter Culture

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Last updated
March 13, 2025

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