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Arrorro Mi Nino: Latino Lullabies and Gentle Games (Paperback)

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Arrorro Mi Nino: Latino Lullabies and Gentle Games (Paperback)
Product Description

Pura Belpré Illustrator Award Honor - American Library Association (ALA) Bilingual English/Spanish. A book of Latino lullabies and games inspired by the author s own childhood in Puerto Rico. Arrorró mi niño -- Hush-a-bye my child It s time to go to bed and what better way to lull your child to sleep than with a tender song or gentle game? In this beautiful collection of classic Latino lullabies and games mothers and children happily embrace and treasure their traditions while sharing the universal joy of the special bond between parent and child. Arrorró mi niño Lulu Delacre s loving tribute to Latinos from all walks of American life is sure to become a favorite with everyone who has a precious little child to love cuddle and sing to. Both the Spanish and English versions can easily be sung with the melodies at the back of the book.

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Last updated
March 11, 2025

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