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Aeihevo 100-PCS Countries Flag toothpicksToothpicks For Appetizers Food-Grade Tooth Picks Cocktail Toothpicks For Fruit Dinner Cupcakes Birthday Sandwiches Cup convenient

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Aeihevo 100-PCS Countries Flag toothpicksToothpicks For Appetizers Food-Grade Tooth Picks Cocktail Toothpicks For Fruit Dinner Cupcakes Birthday Sandwiches Cup convenient
Product Description

Description: These cocktail picks are safer and stronger than other party picks, such as food picks and appetizers. Cocktail picks decorative toothpicks and Christmas trees are made of food-grade material. The flag toothpick is made of high-quality material. It can be thrown away with food waste. It is fully processed, printed and made with advanced technology. The perfect decorative string cocktail choice for Christmas parties! The sophisticated look of the decorative toothpicks will balance the fun and practicality of your party. Material: white birch coated paper Size: Flag: 2.5x3.5cm Pole: 6.5cm A;US B;UK C;Canada Package: 100pcs * toothpick decoration

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Last updated
October 19, 2024

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