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Norvell Venetian Self Tanning Mist with Bronzers - 7oz

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Product Name
Norvell Venetian Self Tanning Mist with Bronzers - 7oz
Product Description

Paraben-free gluten-free 100% Vegan This micro-fine spray is created with VIO-7 a unique blend of anti-orange bronzer pigments designed to counter an unwanted orange undertone for a natural-looking tan. Due to aerosol flight restrictions we can only ship this UPS Ground FedEx Home Delivery or Parcel Post. For best results exfoliate 24-hours prior to application. In a well-ventilated area apply to clean dry skin. Keep the can in constant motion and hold 10-12 inches from body. Apply spray in a sweeping motion across area to be tanned. For facial application lightly coat a make-up sponge and blend onto face and into hair line. Avoid over-application to elbows hands knees ankles and feet. Do not get wet for at least 8-hours after application. Cosmetic bronzers will wash away during your first shower. Tan will deepen over the next 24-hours and fade gradually over the next 5-7 days. Fair skinned individuals may require 2 applications 24-hours apart. Due to aerosol flight restrictions we can only ship this FedEx Home Delivery or Parcel Post.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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