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KiddiTouch 4 Pcs Fidget Toy Slug Sensory Toys for Autistic Kids & Adults 3D Articulated Slug Sensory Toys for Autism Strength Exercise & Stress Relief

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Product Name
KiddiTouch 4 Pcs Fidget Toy Slug Sensory Toys for Autistic Kids & Adults 3D Articulated Slug Sensory Toys for Autism Strength Exercise & Stress Relief
Product Description

Fidget toys are great stress reliever toys for people of all ages containing 4 pcs in various styles multi-colors and slug shapes. Playing with these slug toys can exercise logical thinking skills and become more flexible s. Swaying joints slug (comes with a crisp sound) and a soft touch can also relieve adult stress. The material is environmentally friendly PP light easy to carry washable and reusable. These fidget toys also can be disassembled and reassembled freely to your favorite styles(just pull with force and their body will be separated). The cute appearance of the slug toys is the perfect gift for Thanksgiving Easter Christmas and birthday parties give them to your children friends or family.

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Last updated
December 8, 2024

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