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Pre-Owned We ve Been Had Again (CD 0606949007621) by Huffamoose

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Pre-Owned We ve Been Had Again (CD 0606949007621) by Huffamoose
Product Description

0606949007621. Pre-Owned: Good condition. CD. While Huffamoose s first album (and live show) paint them as a jam band We ve Been Had Again is more of an eclectic alt-rock album. Ranging from the stop-start hard rock of Wait to the beautiful ballad James this eclectic and vocally intriguing disc is more consistently engaging than their debut. Lead vocalist Craig Elkins ponderous and often cryptic vocals are in the forefront here but the music is largely post-grunge and very colorful. The melodies are frequently jarring but not in a displeasing sense; for the most part the musical twists and turns just make the music more appealing with each additional listen. Thanks to a spot on the 1998 H.O.R.D.E. tour Huffamoose continued to gain popularity with this release and Wait became a minor hit on alternative rock radio. ~ Jason Damas Rovi

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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