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Magic Mixies Magical Real Misting Purple Cauldron with Interactive 8 Blue and Plush Toy Ages 5+

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Product Name
Magic Mixies Magical Real Misting Purple Cauldron with Interactive 8 Blue and Plush Toy Ages 5+
Product Description

Experience real magic with the Magic Mixies Magic Cauldron. You will be amazed when you see what magically appears from the mist when you finish casting your spell! Who will you magically create? Your Magic Mixies Magic Cauldron comes with all the magic ingredients and a special Wand for you to mix a potion and make a cute furry pet! First read the spell from your Spell Book. Add the magical ingredients to your purple Cauldron one step at a time. Each ingredient helps your creature come to life. As you go through each step of the spell and tap the Cauldron with your wand your Cauldron will react by lighting up and making different sounds. Now watch as REAL mist begins to rise from the Cauldron. Listen! Do you hear your Magic Mixie coming to life? Wow you ve just created a magical new friend! So adorable and so interactive your Magic Mixie reacts to you touch and responds to your wand. They love to perform spells with you and may even grant you a wish as their gem lights up! Magic Mixie love cuddles and being pet. The more you nurture and care for them the stronger their energy levels become. Your Magic Mixie and their Magic Purple Cauldron has over 50 sounds and reactions! Place your Magic Mixie back into the Cauldron and repeat the magical reveal again and again (Magic Mist & Spells Refill Pack sold separately). There are 2 types of Magic Mixies to discover. You can also make your own toys and other items magically appear from the mist using the Cauldron s Magic Gem Case. Perform spells and misty reveals and amaze your friends! There is so much enchantment in store and adorable magical friends to adore!

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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