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Year in Lipid Disorders: The Year in Lipid Disorders Vol 2 (Series #02) (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Year in Lipid Disorders: The Year in Lipid Disorders Vol 2 (Series #02) (Hardcover)
Product Description

Lipid disorders are among the primary risk factors in developing atherosclerosis and heart disease. Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death world-wide in both genders. This book provides the inquiring physician with an up-to-date insight into the latest research into lipid disorders and the implications of this research for daily clinical practice. The book provides an overview of the latest developments in this complex field by reviewing the most significant papers published in the medical journals on lipid disorders over the last eighteen months. The Year in Lipid Disorders will be an essential element of the reference library for all cardiovascular physicians.

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Last updated
November 28, 2024

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