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Joe DiMaggio : The Hero s Life (Paperback)

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Product Name
Joe DiMaggio : The Hero s Life (Paperback)
Product Description

Joe DiMaggio was at every turn one man we could look at who made us feel good. In the hard-knuckled thirties he was the immigrant boy who made it big--and spurred the New York Yankees to a new era of dynasty. He was Broadway Joe the icon of elegance the man who wooed and won Marilyn Monroe--the most beautiful girl America could dream up. Joe DiMaggio was a mirror of our best self. And he was also the loneliest hero we ever had. In this groundbreaking biography Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Richard Ben Cramer presents a shocking portrait of a complicated enigmatic life. The story that DiMaggio never wanted told tells of his grace--and greed; his dignity pride--and hidden shame. It is a story that sweeps through the twentieth century bringing to light not just America s national game but the birth (and the price) of modern national celebrity.

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Last updated
December 12, 2024

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