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Big Dot of Happiness Through the Decades - 50s 60s 70s 80s and 90s Party Game Scratch Off Dare Cards - 22 Count

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Product Name
Big Dot of Happiness Through the Decades - 50s 60s 70s 80s and 90s Party Game Scratch Off Dare Cards - 22 Count
Product Description

o Try these party dare cards for your Through the Decades celebration. Make your party memorable with this set of 22 scratch-off dare cards. Scratch a card to find each dare each card contains one of these phrases: Do the hand jive o Get the host to play a 50s song o Post “I’m peachy keen” to your social media o Find someone to jitterbug with you o End every sentence with “man” for 10 minutes o Go to the nearest tree and hug it o Greet 10 strangers with a peace sign o Ask a stranger “What’s your sign?” o Call a stranger and tell them they are a fox o Sing your favorite 70s song o Strike your best disco pose o Do the hustle during the next song o Moonwalk across the room o Find someone to break dance with you o Name 5 songs you’d add to your mixtape o Tell someone to “take a chill pill” o Get someone to sing a 90s love song to you o Yell “I love the 90s!” o List 10 90s TV shows in 60 seconds o Tell a stranger to “Talk to the hand” o Pass! Give someone else a dare o Start a dance train

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Last updated
December 15, 2024

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