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Jarrod Spector - Little Help from My Friends: Live at 54 Below - Music & Performance - CD

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Product Name
Jarrod Spector - Little Help from My Friends: Live at 54 Below - Music & Performance - CD
Product Description

Putting together this show and album affected me in a deep and profound way Spector notes. The 2014 album which features music from artists like Billy Joel Enrico Caruso Little Richard Freddie Mercury Stevie Wonder Paul McCartney and Bono required exhaustive research. In researching this album I was immersed in the music of these venerated artists whom I ve adored my whole life. After portraying one man [Frankie Vallie] for 1500 performances with Jersey Boys I was haunted by identity fears. Being able to delve into the repertoire of other artists helped quell them. I now feel a sense of fraternity with these artists.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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