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Dead Sea Spa Care DEADSEA-40 20 oz Cuc-Mel Salt scrub- 8 oz Cuc-Mel Shea Body Butter- Cuticle Oil

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Product Name
Dead Sea Spa Care DEADSEA-40 20 oz Cuc-Mel Salt scrub- 8 oz Cuc-Mel Shea Body Butter- Cuticle Oil
Product Description

Cucumber/Melon Salt Scrub Amazing salt scrub. Seekers of natural beauty and skin care have been drawn to the power of the Dead Sea and the vitality of its minerals for hundreds of years. The Dead Sea Spa Care Salt Scrub is formulated with Dead Sea Minerals to exfoliate and refresh your skin. Our Dead Sea Salt Scrub will not only exfoliate and hydrate your skin but will leave your skin with a youthful glow. It is no wonder why spas offer a salt glow skin treatment. Dead Sea Spa Care allows you to have that spa experience from the comfort of your own home. With a good vigorous scrub our salt scrub will help increase circulation throughout the body. The Dead Sea Spa Care Salt Scrub infuses the skin with the much needed Dead Sea minerals and nutrients while exfoliating the top layer of dead skin cells revealing fresher younger looking skin. All the while our aromatherapy body oil used in the salt scrub which includes Sweet Almond Oil Vitamin E Grape Seed Oil Avocado Oil and Sesame Seed Oil moisturizes and hydrates the skin to seal in moisture leaving your skin soft smooth and healthy. The Dead Sea Spa Care Salt Scrub contains 20 oz. jar.Cucumber/Melon Shea Body Butter Shea Butter used in Body Butter or Shea Body Butter has been known for centuries worldwide as one of nature s greatest moisturizers especially for people with skin problems or dry skin. Take the time to treat those extra dry spots like your heels elbows and knees with Dead Sea Spa Care Shea Body Butter for the shea butter will leave even the driest skin silky soft and smooth. This wonderful moisturizer or moisturizing cream will leave your skin soft and smooth. Renew your skin with the rich benefits found exclusively in these Dead Sea products of the Dead Sea Minerals and Shea Butter known to remarkably restore elasticity to the skin while nourishing dehydrated cells through healthy anti-oxidant enriched emollients like Sweet Almond Oil and Avocado Oil. It s no ordinarily lotion It is the best moisturizing cream around with added benefits of Dead Sea minerals from these Dead Sea Spa products. It s contains 8 oz. jar.Cuticle Oil Cuticle Oil Treatment helps keep your cuticles and nail bed moisturized stimulating healthy nail growth. Dead Sea Spa Care uses vitamin E nourishing Sweet Almond Oil Grape Oil Avocado Oil and Sesame Oil are custom blended in our Cuticle Oil Treatment to give your cuticles a natural and invigorating treatment. Usually when you get a manicure your cuticles are trimmed back. This will no longer be necessary if you use the Dead Sea Spa Care Cuticle Oil Treatment daily. Dead Sea Spa Care Cuticle Oil Treatment when used to manicure your nails will improve dry irritated hanging nails and cuticles. By massaging the cuticle oil treatment into the nail bed and meantime gently pushing the cuticles back this will help keep your cuticles trim and in their natural healthy state. It s as if you were using a thick rich cuticle cream but this rich thin oil quickly absorbs into your skin leaving your cuticles soft and moisturized. Order your Dead Sea Spa nail treatment products today to protect your nails strengthen your nails to have a healthy nail bed.Skin types Normal Skin Dry Skin Oily Skin Combination Skin Mature Skin Non-Sensitive Skin All Skin Types. - SKU: DSPC032

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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