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Edx Education Linking Cubes Classroom Set (504 Pieces)

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Product Name
Edx Education Linking Cubes Classroom Set (504 Pieces)
Product Description

Edx Education Linking Cubes Classroom Set (504 Pieces) |The educational aim of this product is to stimulate participation in creative construction sorting counting basic operations and problem solving activities. Develop important skills in color and pattern recognition; spatial relationships; logical reasoning; numeracy. Activities include making shapes recognizing and building patterns basic numeracy and symmetry. The creative possibilities are endless with this monster pack. Designed to be virtually unbreakable these blocks will easily meet the rigors of the classroom. One set includes 500 blocks in 10 bright colors comprising 400 cubes 50 triangles 50 quadrants 4 base boards and 20 2-sided activity cards. Block measures 2cm square in sturdy plastic container.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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