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Pre-Owned 101 Dalmatians 2: Patch s London Adventure [Special Edition] (DVD 0786936757125) directed by Brian Smith Jim Kammerud

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Product Name
Pre-Owned 101 Dalmatians 2: Patch s London Adventure [Special Edition] (DVD 0786936757125) directed by Brian Smith Jim Kammerud
Product Description

0786936757125. Pre-Owned: Good condition. DVD. Run time: 73 mins. Language: English. A sequel to the original Disney classic 101 Dalmatians II: Patch s London Adventure arrives straight-to-video. Roger and Anita are planning to move to their Dalmatian Plantation with their dogs Pongo and Perdita to get away from Cruella DeVil and make room for all 101 puppies. However young Patch (voice ofBobby Lockwood) gets left behind in London and wanders into an audition for his favorite TV show The Thunderbolt Adventure Hour. Meanwhile the superhero dog Thunderbolt (Barry Bostwick) almost loses his job. Patch is eager to help his TV hero but Cruella DeVil (Susanne Blakeslee) intervenes with a kidnapping scheme. This time she has gained an ally as the muse to artist Lars (Martin Short). Andrea LeVasseur Rovi

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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